Ophthalmic Associates
Ophthalmic Associates

New Patients

Check In Process / New Patient Paperwork

Slit Lamp

What to expect at check-in.

For your first appointment with us, we will need your photo ID and all of your medical insurance cards. These cards are scanned in once a year. You will be asked to sign a HIPAA Privacy Act Acknowledgment form which will include an option to provide the names of family and friends that you will allow to speak to us about your account and medical care.  You will also be asked to sign our financial policy which gives permission for us to bill your insurance. 

ATTENTION Assisted Living Home, PCA, POA or Guardian

Thank you for scheduling at Ophthalmic Associates. In an effort to ensure the patient’s appointment goes as smoothly as possible, please review the following requirements.

  • For patients that have a Power-Of-Attorney (POA) or Guardian, and are not legally allowed to consent to medical treatment themselves, please make sure to bring a copy of the notarized Power-Of-Attorney or Guardianship document to the appointment. We are unable to see the patient without this paperwork on file.
  • Ensure the guardian or POA completes the new patient information and bring them to the patient’s appointment along with the patient’s insurance card(s) and the patient’s photo ID.

NOTE:  If the POA or Guardian are unable to accompany the patient to the appointment, please be aware any surgical procedures will not be scheduled until the POA or Guardian is able to sign consent.

Referral Process

We require that all referrals be reviewed before scheduling. We do this to ensure the appointments are made with the appropriate doctor.  The referral can take several days for review, our switchboard will call to schedule the appointment. Referrals can be faxed to us at 907-264-2665, please ensure the patient name, date-of-birth, and phone number are included.
